Health & Fitness

Superfood smoothie recipes – The Fitnessista

Superfood smoothie recipes – The Fitnessista

Sharing 20 superfood smoothie recipes. Hi hi! How’s the day going? I hope you’re having a great one! W’re still traveling around but check out the adventures on IG stories! For today, let’s talk ...

10 Healthy Gluten-Free Dessert Recipes

10 Healthy Gluten-Free Dessert Recipes

Is your sweet tooth calling? I’ve rounded up 10 healthy gluten-free dessert recipes that will satisfy any craving.  You all know it’s rare to have a day go by that I don’t treat myself to ...

6.21 Friday Faves – The Fitnessista

6.21 Friday Faves – The Fitnessista

Hi friends! How are you? Happy Friday to ya! What’s going on this weekend? P has a basketball game, some friends are having a party, and Liv and I have a fun volunteer event. I’m planning on a ...

6.14 Friday Faves – The Fitnessista

6.14 Friday Faves – The Fitnessista

Hi friends! How are you? The weekend is heeere! What do you have going on? We have some plans with friends and are looking forward to celebrating our favorite guy on Father’s Day. I’d love to hear ...

My Summer Skincare & Makeup Staples

My Summer Skincare & Makeup Staples

Now that we’re in the thick of the dog days of summer (it’s hot out there!), I want to share how my beauty routine has changed with the temperature change. I wear less makeup in the summer months. ...

6.7 Friday Faves and Gratitude Giveaway

6.7 Friday Faves and Gratitude Giveaway

Hi friends! the weekend is heeeeeere! What do you have going on? It’s Liv’s dance recital and then dance season is officially over, and other than that, we’ll just be swimming and chilling with ...

Collagen boosting superfoods – The Fitnessista

Collagen boosting superfoods – The Fitnessista

Sharing some of my favorite collagen boosting superfoods! Hi friends! How’s the day going? I hope you’re having an amazing morning! The kids are at a fun camp and I have back-to-back podcast ...

How to do hot and cold therapy at home

How to do hot and cold therapy at home

Sharing tips on how to utilize hot and cold therapy at home.  Hi friends! How’s the morning going? I hope you’re having a great day so far! For today’s post, I wanted to talk about hot and cold ...

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